~ bring a bit of The Farmhouse with you after every visit ~

Monday, July 2, 2012

Barn Light Electric Giveaway

Barn Light Electric is having an AMAZING giveaway! 

The Winner gets a $1000 Barn Light Electric gift certificate! 

Wow!!  The possibilities are almost endless...front porch light, kitchen pendant lights, bathroom sconces, and the list goes on...

And even if you don't snag first prize, second and third are pretty awesome, too!

2nd place - $500 gift certificate
3rd place - $250 gift certificate

Enter in three easy steps:

  1. Take a look around Barn Light Electric's incredible website, and pick out a few of your favorite things that you would love to have adorning your own abode. (pretty easy, right?)
  2. Then feature your choices on your personal blog.
  3. At the bottom of the post, include directions for entering so your followers can enter, too.
(you can just copy and past the instructions below to make it easier!)
So here's my wish list:
These galvanized metal sconces would be perfect beside all of the exterior doors (front, mudroom, garage, dining room and for the cottage entrance.)

And in the kitchen, three of these would be perfect over the big farm table.
And then to finish the look, two of these sconces would be amazing in the bathroom above the pedestal sink.

Obviously I have a galvanized metal theme going on here at
The Farmhouse. I think these would all stand out perfectly against the white backdrop and would highlight all of
the rustic elements throughout.
Fingers crossed!

How to Enter:
  1. Look around online at Barn Light Electric and pick lights you’d love to own
  2. Feature your lighting picks on your personal blog, and link to the lights if you can!
  3. Copy/Paste these rules at the bottom of your blog article so others can enter
  4. Once your personal article is up, you must email your blog link to:marketing@barnlightelectric.com to be qualified to win. The contest ends Monday, July 2nd, 2012
  5. Don’t have a blog? Find out how you can enter by reading the Official Rules